Complicated Deployment

Complicated Deployment

Deploying a holistic cyber threat intelligence program is a daunting challenge for most organizations due to the lack of in-house expertise to build an organic intelligence capability from the ground up.

Deploying a holistic cyber threat intelligence (CTI) program poses a significant challenge for most organizations due to the critical lack of in-house expertise needed to build an organic intelligence capability from the ground up. This absence of specialized knowledge and skills makes it difficult for organizations to develop and maintain effective threat intelligence frameworks. Consequently, senior leadership, the C-suite, and top executives often struggle to grasp the value of CTI solutions, perceiving a poor ROI since the tools are typically utilized by a small, isolated team within the organization. This in-turn often results in CTI solution subscriptions being cancelled or deprioritized due to misconceptions about its value.

The complexities involved in creating a robust CTI program require not just a thorough understanding of the CTI discipline but also a deep knowledge of threat actors, their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), and the ability to analyze vast amounts of data for actionable insights. While some in-house staff may consume some amount of indicators of compromise (IOCs) and finished intelligence reporting, this data rarely extends beyond a confined group, rather than being leveraged holistically across the entire organization.

CTI should be integrated across multiple security technologies and organizational stakeholders. Developing a comprehensive cyber security strategy built around the intelligence lifecycle allows organizations to optimize the solution from analysis to production to dissemination. These CTI products should be utilized by adjacent teams and shared with senior leadership for visibility and strategic briefings, enabling the entire organization to better comprehend their risk profile and enhance decision-making processes.

It is imperative to have CTI as the foundation for the entire security architecture within any modern organization. The dynamic nature of the cyber threat landscape means new threats are continually emerging, demanding constant vigilance and adaptation. Organizations lacking the necessary expertise will find it extremely challenging to keep pace with these changes, resulting in outdated or ineffective security measures. This inability to stay ahead of evolving threats not only compromises the organization’s immediate security but also undermines its long-term resilience and strategic decision-making capabilities.

Why Praeryx?

Praeryx emerged from the visionary minds of seasoned professionals, boasting illustrious blends of government and industry expertise. The founders are not just veterans of elite intelligence and security positions; they have also propelled a globally acclaimed cyber security startup to success. This dual mastery furnishes your team with an unparalleled depth of practical and comprehensive cyber threat intelligence knowledge. With Praeryx, you are poised to catapult your intelligence capabilities to unprecedented heights, setting new benchmarks in the cyber security realm. Embark on a transformative journey with Praeryx, where your cyber security readiness is not just enhanced - it is redefined.

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